Teaching videos

Watch videos about who we are and about Transpersonal Magic: meditations on the Magical Kabbala, lectures in Hermetic Philosophy, exercises in Deep Imagination, demonstrations of course materials.
Videos accompanying the Temple of High Magic and the Mystery of the Sea are planned. New training videos will be added in the future and announced in our newsletter.

Longing for the home of the heart

Ina speaks about the Longing for the Home of the Heart

Teaching Videos, Language: English

Creating a magical circle explanation

Creating a magical circle demonstration

The Gate to the Inner Temple

Meditation on the Solar Eclipse (video is of bad quality)

Teaching Videos, Nederlands

NTR TV Iedereen Verlicht, 2018 March 20

Interview met Ina Custers-van Bergen voor Finding Voices radio met Jeroen Guijs

Ina leest voor uit Het Mysterie van de Zee